Community Based Programs
Guided by the belief that every individual is capable of having a fulfilling career, Key Opportunities supports both employees and our community employers to achieve quality employment outcomes.
Available Programs
A Community Vocational Assessment, or CVA, provides adult individuals with a paid on-the-job training experience at a worksite that is based on their personal interests. During this experience participants are assessed on their work and employability skills and provided with the opportunity to explore and identify possible career options. A job coach is available to assist with any training needed and to provide assessment services.
Supported Employment
Individuals who receive Supported Employment experience intensive job coaching and on the job training provided by a job coach in a work environment best suited to their personal interests and abilities.
The Quickstart program provides personalized job seeking services for individuals who are in need of assistance in obtaining independent employment. Job search, resume building, interview skills, and placement services are all offered.
The discovery program allows participants to take an active role in finding out what professional goals are best suited to them. Discovery is often run concurrently with other community-based employment programs prior to placement, as it allows participants the ability to self-assess their skills and interests, and empowers participants to take an active role in job seeking.
Once a hire has been made or a job coach is no longer needed due to an employees ability to work independently, Key Opportunities staff will follow up for at least 90 days to make sure both the employer and new employee are satisfied. If additional supports are required, Key Opportunities can provide services to ensure employee retention.
Regardless of how long someone has been able to maintain employment, if concerns arise, Key Opportunities will be there to help assist with these concerns. Our goal is to sustain positive employment outcomes for both the employee and the employer.
“Key Opportunities has great services. Staff helps you with your goals. Staff never gives up on you.”
Admission Criteria
In order to participate in any of the above Community Based Programs, and individual should:
Be 16 years of age or older
Experience unemployment or underemployment
Be vocationally limited due to physical, mental, and/or emotional impairment
Display conduct that is not dangerous to self or others
Maintain basic self-help skills
Be able to work and interact semi-independently with minimal supervision
Possess a desire to work
Have a need for additional vocational experiences without which employment would not be immediately obtainable
Ambulate by physical or mechanical means